Keyboard shortcuts

21 January 2025History


In this article I want share the keyboard shortcuts that I use on a daily basis, in various environments.

Advantages of using shortcuts:

  • Shave off a few seconds or milliseconds, hundreds of times over. The time savings really add up.
  • Make you look smarter in screen sharing sessions, live demos and pairing.
  • They're just fun to use!

Visual Studio Code#

+ + + ( / )Rectangular selection
+ + 🖱️ DragRectangular selection (mouse)
+ ASelect all
+ LSelect line
+ ( A / E )Skip to line start / end
+ ( / )Skip by word left / right
+ + ( / )Select by word left / right
+ ( / )Move line up / down
+ + ( / )Duplicate line up / down
+ + ( [ / ] )Switch tab left / right
( + ) / ( + + )Switch tab most / least recent
+ ( [ / ] )Indent / outdent
+ /Toggle comment
+ WClose current tab
+ K, WClose all tabs. Keep window open.
+ + WClose current window
+ PQuick find file
+ + PQuick find action
+ TQuick find symbol
+ NOpen new tab
+ + NOpen new window
+ + EFocus on file browser
+ F2Select all instances of current word

Sublime Text#

+ + ( / )Rectangular selection
+ 🖱️ DragRectangular selection (mouse)
+ ASelect all
+ LSelect line
+ ( A / E )Skip to line start / end
+ ( / )Skip by word left / right
+ + ( / )Select by word left / right
+ ( / )Move line up / down
+ + DDuplicate line down
+ + ( [ / ] )Switch tab left / right
( + ) / ( + )Switch tab most / least recent
+ ( [ / ] )Indent / outdent
+ /Toggle comment
+ WClose current tab
+ PQuick find file
+ + PQuick find action
+ + WClose current window
+ NOpen new tab
+ + NOpen new window
+ + GSelect all instances of current word


( / )Previous / Next history
+ RSearch history
+ CStop current process
+ ( A / E )Skip to line start / end
+ WDelete previous word
+ DDelete next character
+ TOpen new tab
+ NOpen new window

Some additional convenience shortcuts can be added by configuring iTerm2 key mappings, as described in Marius Schulz's excellent article.

+ ( / )Skip by word left / right
+ ( / )Skip to line start / end
+ Delete previous word
+ Delete line


+ BBold
+ IItalic
+ + XStrikethrough
+ VMake the selection a link with pasted URL from clipboard
+ UUpload file with file picker
>, SpaceStart a blockquote
+ + CToggle inline code block
>, SpaceStart a blockquote
```Start full line code block


+ CCopy full file name of the selected file. Including path.
+ + OOpen the selected file. Uses the default editor.
+ + CFocus on the commit message input.
On message input, show recent commit messages. Click to re-use.
+ + ( [ / ] )Switch tab left / right
+ TOpen new tab
+ NOpen new window
© 2024 Jonathan Conway