Duties + Achievements

  • Full-stack developer working on tablet web app CRC for municipal waste disposal tracking and financial modelling for NSW EPA.
  • Rapid entry of on-site containers, waste types, quantities, pick-ups, drop-offs, movement between waste sites and costs associated with the above.
  • Financial reporting screens with fine-grained filtering by date-time ranges, sites, locations, government districts. Export to CSV and Excel (formatted).
  • Worked iteratively with stakeholders to understand nuanced and complex financial reporting requirements.
  • Sketched, wireframed and mocked-up interface designs, optimising for high-visibility and hand-held tablet usage, with drag-swipe interactions, large touch radius and high-contrast colours.
  • Applied BreezeJS for offline concurrency under poor/unreliable network conditions.
  • Responsible for full-stack development, deployment and production support.


  • angular-1.3
    • bootstrap
      • c#
        • breeze-js


          “I had a quick play; all works seamlessly and easy to use.”
          Project Sponsor


          • EPA CRC
          © 2024 Jonathan Conway